Lazoney Pass (2392m), trail 12C
From the 12/12C/12B junction located at an elevation of 2364m to Lazoney Col.
Trail 12C starts at the junction at elevation 2364m of Trail 12 and arrives at Lazoney Pass (2392m). It is 311m long and the total positive elevation gain is 28m.
The approximate time for the climb is 0h07. The trail is rated T difficulty.
The 12 C is a very short detour from Trail 12 (which ends at Loo Pass), by which you can reach Lazoney Pass in a few minutes.

Lazoney Point
Lazoney Pass is touched by the route of the Tor des géants, the famous Trail race that runs a 330KM loop along the entire Aosta Valley: runners ascend it from Niel (a small hamlet above Gaby) and then descend to Gressoney-Saint-Jean along the path 12 and continue towards the Pinter pass along path 6.
From the pass, one can (and in my opinion should) climb to nearby Punta Lazoney (2579m), a scenic, rocky relief from which there is an unexpected 360-degree view of Rosa and the surrounding peaks. The path from the pass to the tip is not marked, but there are frequent cairns; it is not at all exposed and presents no risks, and the goal is certainly worth the little extra effort required.