Corno Vitello (3057m), trail 5B
Valfredda pass to Corno Vitello
Trail 5B starts at Valfredda pass and goes to Corno Vitello (3057m). It is 1332m long and the total positive elevation gain is 212m.
The approximate time for the ascent is 0h48. The trail is rated EE difficulty.
The Corno Vitello (Chalberhòre in titsch, Kalberhorn in German) is a 3,000 that can be reached from the nearby Valfredda pass by following trail 5B, well marked and without any particular technical difficulties (but with the caution required of a typical high mountain route) first along a never dizzying scree ridge and then across the rocky western flank, which is climbed to the summit. It offers spectacular views of Rosa, the Matterhorn and the main peaks of the valley of Lys.
At Valfredda pass it is reached by first reaching Alpenzu Grande via Trail 6, and then following Trail 5A.