Books on Gressoney and Monte Rosa
I have been collecting books on Gressoney and Monte Rosa for years. My collection is now slowly evolving, but occasionally a few goodies still pop up from eBay.
I am building descriptive sheets for each of the books; I will post them on this page as soon as I finish.
If anyone was looking for a printed guidebook of Gressoney’s trails, the choice is a must.
The guidebook “Alta Valle del Lys – Monte Rosa,” published by“The Hiker,” written by Luca Zavatta, is definitely the book to have. Pocket-sized but well done, it lists all the major trails, which are described with great accuracy. It is often sold in conjunction with the excellent map“8 – Ayas – Gressoney – Alagna” in scale 1:25,000. It is easily found online; in Gressoney Saint-Jean I saw it for sale in the Foto Guindani store.
The guidebook “Gressoney – Itinerari escursionistici lungo la valle del Lys,” published by Musumeci Editore and written by Piergiorgio Bosio, has unfortunately not been on sale for years (the last edition was in 1999). Rarely in online used sellers does a specimen turn up, not to be missed. It is the book I have used for almost all of my hikes in the valley.
Then if the trails go narrow, and you want to go further, the guidebook “Monte Rosa val d’Ayas e valle di Gressoney“, published by Idea Montagna, written by Andrea Greci and Federico Rossetti is a veritable mine of itineraries. It is not focused on trails, but to the peaks: it gives descriptions of normal routes for all (all) peaks in the Ayas Valley and Gressoney.